10:00am-10:30am: Presidential Welcome!
10:30am-11:15am: Keynote Speaker- Steve Brosnihan “Good Night Lights”
10:30am-11:15am: Keynote Speaker- Steve Brosnihan “Good Night Lights”
Workshop Session #1
11:30 am - 12:20 pm
11:30 am - 12:20 pm
SEL Spotlight: Creative Teacher Self-Care through SEL with Elizabeth Peterson YOU are the most important person in the classroom. Believe it! If you are not ready and energized to teach, then there is no way your students are going to learn. In this workshop, we will look at creative ways to get in the right mindset, so you can do and be your best for your students. Along the way, we will engage in SEAL (Social-Emotional Artistic Learning®) activities that integrate the SEL competencies with elements of music, visual art, drama and movement - activities you can use in your classroom too! Create Spotlight: Drop In N' Draw with Mike Elson Just want to have a unique drawing experience? Drop in to this session and let yourself be guided in a variety of drawing exercises to invigorate your creative self. |
ED & I Spotlight: Identity and Empowerment through Words: Turning words into graphic works of art at any level with Kristin Murphy & Adam Ferbert Follow an empowering and inclusive project that began with a class of 9th graders and expanded to include an entire community. Access tools and techniques for incorporating graphic design into the art curriculum and look at artists such as Cindy Sherman and Jenny Holzer who use text in their art to create powerful messages about identity and social justice. Create an identity pencil pouch at the conclusion of the workshop. Create Spotlight: Lights Up! with Steve B. Good Night Lights also includes an installation of interactive, reflective tape art—Good Night Light-ups—that is seen and appreciated in windows of buildings surrounding Hasbro Children’s Hospital every night. In this workshop you will get to use custom reflective material to create an image to be used as part of the GNL displays. |
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch & Vendors/Artisans!
Workshop Session #2
1:45 pm - 2:35 pm
1:45 pm - 2:35 pm
SEL Spotlight: The Inspired Classroom: Connecting Visual Art & SEAL with Elizabeth Petersons Students need real experiences that will help them build their social-emotional competencies. The best way to do this is through art! In this workshop, we will look at how visual art in particular can help students develop these skills in ways that are naturally differentiated and emotionally charged. Participants will engage in SEAL (Social-Emotional Artistic Learning®) activities that can be adapted to their teaching situations! Creative Spotlight: Gelli Printing with Tracy LeFort Attend this gel printing workshop to learn how to find great uses for Gelli printing in your classroom! We will use gel printing plates, new alignment tools, and texture making materials in this unique and fun way to teach printmaking. |
ED & I Spotlight: Empowered Twenty-first Century Storytellers with Katie Truskoski Learn Accessible Digital Media instructional practices grounded in academic theories of Culturally Relevant Art Education and the Storytelling Project Curriculum. Three graphic design/digital photo PVL lesson models showcase BIPOC artists, designers and art history. Focusing on character, identity and collaboration-students create visual autobiographies that employ creative agency. Creative Spotlight: Visual Journaling with Kristine Strauss This workshop will introduce you to art journaling and sketchbook design with a focus on personal expression and media exploration. Learn how to use art and journaling to help guide your life goals and understandings….all in an effort to improve your level of happiness in your day to day life. |
Workshop Session #3: Division Breakouts!
"Making Connections"
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
"Making Connections"
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Elementary Level with Tara Villanova- Cumberland PS High School Level with Mia Thompson- North Kingston PS |
Middle School Level with Crystal Cavaco-Portsmouth PS |
3:45pm-4:30pm: Whole group workshop with Steve Brosnihan- Good Night Lights!
Keep the collaboration going and meet us at 8:30pm for a group Good Night Lights Experience! More details will be shared at the conference.
Keep the collaboration going and meet us at 8:30pm for a group Good Night Lights Experience! More details will be shared at the conference.